Verein Blickkontakt

     Interessensgemeinschaft sehender, sehbehinderter und blinder Menschen

Das ist ein Bild

Studien-fotographie project für blinde u. sehbehinderte Menschen

Projektanfrage von Frau Alejandra, Venezuela,
Studentin an der Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien

Aus dem Englischen Originaltext in Deutsch zusammengefasst von Silvia Oblak

Wenn Sie Kunstinteresse haben, neugierig auf andere Kulturen sind, als blinde Person in die Welt der fotographie schnuppern wollen, und Sie Wien mit all‘ diesen Vielfältigkeiten GEMEINSAM erkunden wollen, Melden Sie sich bitte bei Frau Alejandra

Ziel des Projekts:

Gemeinsam aus den Blickkwinkeln: Ausländer, blinde Person. Zwei unterschiedliche Perspektiven auf die Stadt Wien.
Die blinde Person kann zudem eine andere Wienerische Sicht vermitteln.
Die Absicht ist, ein positives Umfeld zu schaffen für Sehbehinderte, um an Kunst teil zu nehmen Und auf die visuelle Kultur zugriff zu haben.

Zudem lässt Sie Frau Alejandra, bei Interesse, in die Welt der Fotographie eintauchen.

Gemeinsames Arbeiten, drei bis fünf Tage. Aus Witterungsgründen: Je früher desto besser.
Weiter gehts mit einer Personenbeschreibung in Deutsch und dem originaltext in Englisch.


Name: Frau Alejandra 28 Jahre. Lebt seit einem Jahr in Wien. Architekturstudium und Fotografie in Caracas. Sensieble Warnehmung über die Raumumgebung. Dadurch sind folgende Fragen entstanden:
Wie viel kann die Umgebung uns beeinflussen ? Wie funktionieren unsere Bewegungen? Ist unser verhalten an allen Orten gleich?

Originaltext in Englisch:

my name is Alejandra, I am a student from the Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien and I come from Venezuela. I called the Verein Blickkontakt two weeks ago about a project of photography and blind people and they were interested and told me to write you. I have to excuse myself for writing in English, I can speak German (not so good) but grammatically is a disaster. I hope you can understand.

To introduce myself and the project:

I am 28 years old, I studied architecture and photography in Caracas. I am a sensible person about the space around us and I ask myself… How much can the space influence us? How does it determine our movements? Will we behave the same way in another place? I have been living in Vienna since one year. I think it is a beautiful European capital. I like to compare the places I’ve visited and think about their differences, like with my home city – lifestyle, architecture, weather, people, streets, everything… When I come to cities like Vienna I can only wonder how organized and how everything works. There is the infrastructure for everyone to move through the city. I know how it is in Caracas and it is not a city for blind people. It is not planned and you would never see a blind person alone and I would like to find and learn more about how it is here.

The project I have in mind is to discover the city of Vienna with a blind person. Together: me as a foreigner, he/she as a blind. Two different perspectives on the city. I know how to use a camera and I can teach. The blind person (possibly interested in working with me) is from Austria and can show me another way of seeing. It will be about walking and going to different places, the Vienna I know and my personal favorite places -Brunnenmarkt, Otto Wagner Kirche, museums- and the Vienna he/she knows… This summer I came across the work of blind photographers. Photography by the visually impaired is in the remotest of our imagination and most of us are unaware that it is possible. Evgen Bavcar, a blind photographer, writes: „I photograph what I imagine. The originals are inside my head.“

My intention is to create a positive environment for visually impaired people to participate in the creation of the arts and have access to visual culture. I would start by proposing to spend some days together, between 3-5 days, the sooner the better because it will get cold! I can explain more details if you are interested. Do you think there will be someone interested in doing this? Do you know someone that shares interests with me, for example art, someone who is curious about other cultures, someone who likes to walk in Vienna?

erstellt am 18.11.2015 von Martin Oblak

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